शुक्रः शुशुक्वाँ उषो न जारः पप्रा समीची दिवो न ज्योतिः ॥
śukraḥ śuśukvām̐ uṣo na jāraḥ paprā samīcī divo na jyotiḥ ||
परि प्रजातः क्रत्वा बभूथ भुवो देवानां पिता पुत्रः सन् ॥
pari prajātaḥ kratvā babhūtha bhuvo devānām pitā putraḥ san ||
White-shining (Agni), like the (sun), the extinguisher of the dawn, is the illuminator (of all) and fills united (heaven and earth with light), like the lustre of the radiant (sun). You, as soon as manifested, have pervaded all the world with devout acts, being (both) the father and son of the gods.
वेधा अदृप्तो अग्निर्विजानन्नूधर्न गोनां स्वाद्मा पितूनाम् ॥
vedhā adṛpto agnir vijānann ūdhar na gonāṃ svādmā pitūnām ||
जने न शेव आहूर्यः सन्मध्ये निषत्तो रण्वो दुरोणे ॥
jane na śeva āhūryaḥ san madhye niṣatto raṇvo duroṇe ||
The wise, the humble, and discrimating Agni, is the giver of flavour to food, as the udder of cows (gives sweetness to the milk); invited (to the ceremony), he sits in the sacrificial chamber, diffusing happiness like a benevolent man, amongst mankind.
पुत्रो न जातो रण्वो दुरोणे वाजी न प्रीतो विशो वि तारीत् ॥
putro na jāto raṇvo duroṇe vājī na prīto viśo vi tārīt ||
विशो यदह्वे नृभिः सनीळा अग्निर्देवत्वा विश्वान्यश्याः ॥
viśo yad ahve nṛbhiḥ sanīḻā agnir devatvā viśvāny aśyāḥ ||
He diffuses happiness in a dwelling like a son(newly) born; he overcomes (opposing) men like an animated charger; whatever (divine) beings I may along with other men invoke (to the ceremony), you, Agni, assume all (their) celestial nature.
नकिष्ट एता व्रता मिनन्ति नृभ्यो यदेभ्यः श्रुष्टिं चकर्थ ॥
nakiṣ ṭa etā vratā minanti nṛbhyo yad ebhyaḥ śruṣṭiṃ cakartha ||
तत्तु ते दंसो यदहन्त्समानैर्नृभिर्यद्युक्तो विवे रपांसि ॥
tat tu te daṃso yad ahan samānair nṛbhir yad yukto vive rapāṃsi ||
Never may (malignant spirits) interrupt those rites in which you have given the (hope of) reward to the person ns (who celebrate them) for should (such spirits) disturb your worship, then, assisted by followers like yourself, you put the intruders to flight.
उषो न जारो विभावोस्रः संज्ञातरूपश्चिकेतदस्मै ॥
uṣo na jāro vibhāvosraḥ saṃjñātarūpaś ciketad asmai ||
त्मना वहन्तो दुरो व्यृण्वन्नवन्त विश्वे स्वर्दृशीके ॥
tmanā vahanto duro vy ṛṇvan navanta viśve svar dṛśīke ||
May Agni, who is possessed of manifold light, like the extinguisher of the dawn, the granter of dwellings, and of cognizable form, consider (the desires of) this, (his worshipper); (his rays), spontaneously bearing the oblation, open the doors (of the sacrificial chamber), and all spread through the visible heaven.