1-66-1 1-66-2
रयिर्न चित्रा सूरो न संदृगायुर्न प्राणो नित्यो न सूनुः ॥
rayir na citrā sūro na saṃdṛg āyur na prāṇo nityo na sūnuḥ ||
तक्वा न भूर्णिर्वना सिषक्ति पयो न धेनुः शुचिर्विभावा ॥
takvā na bhūrṇir vanā siṣakti payo na dhenuḥ śucir vibhāvā ||
Agni who is like wondrous wealth, like the all-surveying Sun, like vital breath, like a well-conducted son, like a rider-bearing steed, like a milk-yielding cow, who is pure and radiant, consumes the forests
1-66-3 1-66-4
दाधार क्षेममोको न रण्वो यवो न पक्वो जेता जनानाम् ॥
dādhāra kṣemam oko na raṇvo yavo na pakvo jetā janānām ||
ऋषिर्न स्तुभ्वा विक्षु प्रशस्तो वाजी न प्रीतो वयो दधाति ॥
ṛṣir na stubhvā vikṣu praśasto vājī na prīto vayo dadhāti ||
Like a secure mansion, he proects property; he (nourishes people) like barley; he is the conqueror of (hostile)) men; he is like a ṛṣi, the praiser (of the gods), eminent amongst (devout) person ns; as a spirited horse (goes to battle), he repairs delighted to the hall of sacrifice; may be bestow upon us food.
दुरोकशोचिः क्रतुर्न नित्यो जायेव योनावरं विश्वस्मै ॥
durokaśociḥ kratur na nityo jāyeva yonāv araṃ viśvasmai ||
चित्रो यदभ्राट् छ्वेतो न विक्षु रथो न रुक्मी त्वेषः समत्सु ॥
citro yad abhrāṭ chveto na vikṣu ratho na rukmī tveṣaḥ samatsu ||
Agni of unattainable brightness, is like a vigilant sacrificer; he is an ornament to all (in the sacrificial chamber), like a woman in a dwelling; when he shines with wonderful lustre, he is like the white (sun) or like a golden chariot amongst men, resplendent in battle.
सेनेव सृष्टामं दधात्यस्तुर्न दिद्युत्त्वेषप्रतीका ॥
seneva sṛṣṭāmaṃ dadhāty astur na didyut tveṣapratīkā ||
यमो ह जातो यमो जनित्वं जारः कनीनां पतिर्जनीनाम् ॥
yamo ha jāto yamo janitvaṃ jāraḥ kanīnām patir janīnām ||
He terrifies (his adversaries) like an army sent (against an enemy), or like the bright-pointed shaft of an archer. Agni, as Yama, is all that is born; as Yama, all that will be born; he is the lover of maidens, the husband of wives.
तं वश्चराथा वयं वसत्यास्तं न गावो नक्षन्त इद्धम् ॥
taṃ vaś carāthā vayaṃ vasatyāstaṃ na gāvo nakṣanta iddham ||
सिन्धुर्न क्षोदः प्र नीचीरैनोन्नवन्त गावः स्वर्दृशीके ॥
sindhur na kṣodaḥ pra nīcīr ainon navanta gāvaḥ svar dṛśīke ||
Let us approach that blazing Agni with animal and vegetable offerings, as cows hasten to their stalls. He has tossed about his flames (in every direction), like running streams of water; the rays comingle (with the radiance) visible in the sky.