阿格尼的智慧經常被人們津津樂道。由於了解祭祀的所有細節,他是明智且無所不知的,因此被專門稱為本生吠陀(jatá-vedas),他了解所有受造物。他是他的崇拜者的偉大恩人,保護和拯救他們,並給予他們各種恩惠,但最重要的是家庭福利、子孫和繁榮。他的偉大常常受到稱讚,甚至一度被認為超越了其他神。他的宇宙和創造力也經常受到讚揚。與傳遞祭品的普通祭祀阿耆尼 (havya-váhana) 不同,他的屍體吞噬 (kravyád) 形態在火葬柴堆上焚燒屍體 (x. 14)。烈火的另一個作用是燃燒和驅散邪靈和敵對魔法。在印度-伊朗時期,祭火已經成為一種發達儀式的中心,並被人格化並作為強大、智慧和仁慈的神而受到崇拜。它似乎也是印歐人的習俗,因為義大利人和希臘人以及印度人和伊朗人都有用火向眾神獻祭的習俗。但它是否在那個遙遠的時期就已經擬人化了,這還是一個猜測。Agni(拉丁語:igni-s,斯拉夫語 ogni)這個名字是印歐語系的,最初可能意味著“敏捷”,源於詞根 ag todrive(拉丁語:ago,希臘語:hágo)。阿賈米)。
पश्वा न तायुं गुहा चतन्तं नमो युजानं नमो वहन्तम् ॥
paśvā na tāyuṃ guhā catantaṃ namo yujānaṃ namo vahantam ||
The firm and plural cid divinites followed you, Agni, by your footmarks, when hiding in the hollow (of the water), like a thief (who has stolen) an animal; you, claiming oblations, and bearing them to the gods; all the deities who are entitled to worship, sit down near to you.
सजोषा धीराः पदैरनु ग्मन्नुप त्वा सीदन्विश्वे यजत्राः
॥sajoṣā dhīrāḥ padair anu gmann upa tvā sīdan viśve yajatrāḥ ||
All this with red-rayed steeds have they divided: the Dawns on bright cars shine in wondrous fashion. They, bringing near the stately rite’s commencement, drive far away the night’s surrounding shadows.
ऋतस्य देवा अनु व्रता गुर्भुवत्परिष्टिर्द्यौर्न भूम ॥
ṛtasya devā anu vratā gur bhuvat pariṣṭir dyaur na bhūma ||
The gods followed the traces of the fugitive; the search spread everywhere, and earth became like heaven; the waters swelled (to conceal him), who was much enlarged by praise, and was manifested as it were in the womb in the waters, the source of sacrificial food.
वर्धन्तीमापः पन्वा सुशिश्विमृतस्य योना गर्भे सुजातम् ॥
vardhantīm āpaḥ panvā suśiśvim ṛtasya yonā garbhe sujātam ||
Now is there treasure for the man who serves you, now for the hero, Dawns! who brings oblation; Now for the singer when he sings the praise-song. Even to one like me ye brought aforetime.
पुष्टिर्न रण्वा क्षितिर्न पृथ्वी गिरिर्न भुज्म क्षोदो न शम्भु ॥
puṣṭir na raṇvā kṣitir na pṛthvī girir na bhujma kṣodo na śambhu ||
Agni is grateful as nourishment, vast as the earth, productive (of vegetable food), as a mountain, delightful as water; he is like a horse urged to a charge in battle and like flowing waters; who can arrest him?
अत्यो नाज्मन्त्सर्गप्रतक्तः सिन्धुर्न क्षोदः क ईं वराते ॥
atyo nājman sargaprataktaḥ sindhur na kṣodaḥ ka īṃ varāte ||
Shine on us as of old, thou Child of Heaven,on him, rich Maid! who serves like Bharadvaja. Give to the singer wealth with noble heroes, and upon us bestow wide-spreading glory.