vayā id agne agnayas te anye tve viśve amṛtā mādayante | vaiśvānara nābhir asi kṣitīnāṃ sthūṇeva janām̐ upamid yayantha | Whatever other fires there may be, they are but ramifications, Agni, of you; but they all rejoice, being immortal in you; you, Vaiśvānara, are the navel of men, and suppor tthem like a deep-plural nted column
mūrdhā divo nābhir agniḥ pṛthivyā athābhavad aratī rodasyoḥ | taṃ tvā devāso 'janayanta devaṃ vaiśvānara jyotir id āryāya || Agni, the head of heaven, the navel of earth, became the ruler over both earth and heaven; all the gods engendered you, Vaiśvānara, in the form of light, for the venerable sage.
आ सूर्ये न रश्मयो ध्रुवासो वैश्वानरे दधिरेऽग्ना वसूनि । या पर्वतेष्वोषधीष्वप्सु या मानुषेष्वसि तस्य राजा ॥
ā sūrye na raśmayo dhruvāso vaiśvānare dadhire 'gnā vasūni | yā parvateṣv oṣadhīṣv apsu yā mānuṣeṣv asi tasya rājā || Treasures were deposited in the Agni, Vaiśvānara, like the permanent rays (of light) in the sun; you are the sovereign of all the treasures that exist in the mountains, in the herbs, in the waters, or amongst men.
बृहती इव सूनवे रोदसी गिरो होता मनुष्यो न दक्षः । स्वर्वते सत्यशुष्माय पूर्वीर्वैश्वानराय नृतमाय यह्वीः ॥
bṛhatī iva sūnave rodasī giro hotā manuṣyo na dakṣaḥ | svarvate satyaśuṣmāya pūrvīr vaiśvānarāya nṛtamāya yahvīḥ || Heaven and earth expanded as it were for their son. The experienced sacrificer recites, like a bard, many ancient and copious praises addressed to the graceful-moving, truly-vigorous, and all-guiding Vaiśvānara.
divaś cit te bṛhato jātavedo vaiśvānara pra ririce mahitvam | rājā kṛṣṭīnām asi mānuṣīṇāṃ yudhā devebhyo varivaś cakartha || Vaiśvānara, who knows all that are born, your magnitude has exceeded that of the spacious heaven; you are the monarch of manu-descended men; you have regained for the gods in battle, the wealth (carries off by the asuras).
pra nū mahitvaṃ vṛṣabhasya vocaṃ yam pūravo vṛtrahaṇaṃ sacante | vaiśvānaro dasyum agnir jaghanvām̐ adhūnot kāṣṭhā ava śambaram bhet || I extol the greatness of that showerer of rain whom men celebrate as the slayer of Vṛtra; the Agni, Vaiśvānara, slew the stealer (of the waters) and sent them down (upon earth), and clove the (obstructing) cloud.
vaiśvānaro mahimnā viśvakṛṣṭir bharadvājeṣu yajato vibhāvā | śātavaneye śatinībhir agniḥ puruṇīthe jarate sūnṛtāvān || Vaiśvānara by his magnitude is all men, and is to be worshipped as the diffuser of manifold light in offerings of nutritious viands; Agni, the speaker of truth, praises with many commendations Puruṇītha, the son of Śātavani